All About Me

My name is Diego, here are some facts about me. I go to catholic school in Pennsylvania. My parents were born in Mexico so I know how to speak Spanish for the most part. There’s a lot of times where I mess up but other than that I’m okay. I have a brother who’s 14 so he’s 3 years older than me.

Favorite Animal: Dog, or I guess a puppy if you count that as a separate animal.

Favorite Food: A nice traditional American Hamburger.

Favorite Movie: Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse

Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milkshake (it’s just so yummy)

Favorite Book: For now I think it is Chasing Secrets. That will probably change soon though because I’m getting into a lot of good Manga.

Favorite Instrument: The Guitar because it is the only instrument I play.

Favorite Sport: Soccer, because it is very fun and I like it a lot.

Favorite Soccer Position: Any of the Midfield positions, because I get to do a little bit of all the positions that I like.

Least Favorite Soccer Position: Goalie, I’m a little bit scared of the ball hitting me very hard because it has happened a few times.